Friday, September 11, 2009

Residual Reality and Round Table Discussion

The Residual Reality display along with the Round Table discussion really opened my eyes to photography as this was the first art show I have ever attended. It was interesting to me how each of the artists related and influenced one another. This was very evident in the Round Table discussion as the artists shared their personal stories and how they valued their relationship with each other. They were so understanding of one another and shared an incredible sense of community. What was amazing to me is how closely related the artists were and how different each individuals work turned out.

Before attending this event, I thought of photography as just taking pictures with a camera. This belief was changed immediately as I walked into the gallery.The gallery itself contained work of so many mastermind artists. From scanned images of Joyce Neimanas and projection illusions from Gillian Brown to the Confessions of a Tapist by Patrick Nagatani, the talents of these artists continued to surprised me as I made my way around the perimeter of the room.

The two most interesting pieces to me were the Postcard Collage Series of Ken Josephson and the digital talking characters by Joseph Mougel. The Postcard Series must have been truely challenging. To find the exact location of a postcard in the first place would be difficult for me nevertheless find the correct angle and distance of the target. Joseph Mougels talking characters were very unique as each of them possessed their own attitude and personality. I was unable to discern the exact message being portrayed by them but was awed by their complexion.

Overall this event was one of a kind. I wish I could've had more interaction with the artists as I had so many questions to ask them about their work and lives but with a packed gallery and short question session at the Round Table, I will have to meet up with them at another show!

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